Has anyone downloaded the new
iTunes Version 8.0 yet ?!?!?! everytime apple updates software and it has .0 @ the end this means its something
BIG.its so sick...
Here are some screen shots i took when i was downloading
i did not download the Numbers, iWeb and etc updates because i dont use them no point really.
oioi half way i could not wait.
First thing i saw was this (i was like emmm) didnt really like it
Not sure i think i will just keep to
Then i noticed this ^
seemed interested so i turned on Genius
So they had to get all my information about my iTunes took like 15 mins : (
after they said this ^ interesting
So i tested it out with of cause the first Artist on my iTunes Aaliyah
then i did a London person
all good
But with all my other iTunes ive been able to get rid of this
But for some reason i cant with this new iTune i know its a little thing but it get annoying after a while.
But if you know how to get rid of it ? Please tell me :D
u seen this????
looks so good...jsut want to get one and leave it in the box :P