Monday, November 23, 2009

One what was sent to be via BB pin!

Most people live their life chasing paychecks, pay rises, and job security because of the emotion of fear and desire , not really questioning where those emotions-driven thoughts are leading them . Its just like the picture of a DONKEY, dragging a cart , with its owner dangling. A carrot just infront of the. Donkeys nose . The donkeys owner may be going where he wants 2 go , but the donkey is chasing an illusion , tomorow there will only be another carrot for the donkey ???? DO YOU WANNA BE THE DONKEY IN LIFE !!!!!! RETIRE RICH RETIRE YOUNG !!!!!!!!!

Sent via my BlackBerry® Wireless Device

1 comment:

  1. what if u become the donkey trying to retire rich and young?????


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